
Friday, January 29, 2016

Is Hormone Therapy Treatment Safe for Menopause?

The question of whether hormone therapy treatment is safe or not for menopause didn’t seem to be a bother for many women, until researchers in the Women’s Health Initiative in 2002 associated this treatment with increased risks of diseases like heart attack, stroke and breast cancer, among others. Out of fear, the announcement saw millions of women do away with their hormones, drastically affecting its prescription and consumption. 2 years later, Women’s Health Institute would further establish that women making use of estrogen alone were not at high risk of developing heart attacks and breast cancer, save for blood clots and strokes. To help in answering whether it’s still safe or not to use, we will briefly review what HRT is, and...

Carolina Monroe Written by: Carolina
Way To Be Healthy Updated at: 5:17 AM

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

5 Vitamins to Eliminate Wrinkle

They say that age is nothing but a number. However, if we can literally count the years on your face through the wrinkles, you will definitely feel the weight of having plastered the number on your face. Wrinkles are the folds that develop on the skin as one ages. They are part of the natural aging process. As one ages, the skin's ability to produce elastin and collagen decreases. These two are important for maintaining the tightness and keeping away the wrinkles from the skin. Even though we cannot stop time, there are ways we can help the skin to slow down the formation of wrinkles. One of those ways is using the magic that is found in vitamins. Some vitamins are known to slow down the formation of wrinkles as discussed below: 1. Vitamin...

Carolina Monroe Written by: Carolina
Way To Be Healthy Updated at: 3:33 AM

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Clearing the Fog with Provasil

You are at a friend's party when someone comes up to you and starts a conversation. You are very sure you have met before; you even recall her telling you about her pet Dalmatian. But why in tarnation can't you remember her name? Or picture yourself in front of an audience speaking about a topic of which you are an expert. All of a sudden you stop, groping for a word at the tip of your tongue. After a few seconds, you give up and use another word. Your audience does not seem to mind, but this hiccup keeps nagging at you, telling you something is wrong. While everyone finds themselves in a similar situation one time or another, the fact still does not make it less frustrating or embarrassing. Memory blips, often called senior moments, can happen...

Carolina Monroe Written by: Carolina
Way To Be Healthy Updated at: 5:27 AM

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Does Tequila Really Help to Loose Weight?

Although Tequila may not necessarily contained all the nutrients, the sugars contained therein are believed to have an impact on weight loss. The discovery brings about some kind of relief to people with diabetes and obesity. A research conducted on Tequila indicates that the sugar elements in it have the ability to reduce levels of glucose in blood especially in people suffering from type 2 diabetes. In people with obesity, these sugars can aid in weight loss What then could the wonder sugar be? Yes, this is indeed a wonder. Agavin, a certain type of natural sugar obtained from the plant agave, is a raw material for making the Tequila drink. What is more surprising about these sugars is that they aren’t similar to those used to make agave...

Carolina Monroe Written by: Carolina
Way To Be Healthy Updated at: 4:36 AM

Friday, January 15, 2016

Progesteril Users Get Their Questions Answers

1. It is good and advisable to take soy for menopause hot flashes? How much it is recommended? It is harmful to the body? We must rest seasonally or you can take then? Soy is great. Chinese women have taken it since time immemorial and interestingly they do not have a word for hot flashes. We take soy, because it has a high percentage of protein, has phytoestrogens, decreases the amount of calcium lost, which also comes in handy for osteoporosis. In addition, it is also good for memory and mood. What I advise you is to find a product that besides giving you the soy ingredients it has something to deal with other symptoms of menopause. A good example of such a product is progesteril. Progesteril menopause cream is all natural and judging from...

Carolina Monroe Written by: Carolina
Way To Be Healthy Updated at: 11:30 PM

Natural Ways to Treat Chronic Joint Pain

Managing chronic pain in the joints through natural steps is important and more effective than many people may suspect. There are numerous causes for chronic joint pain, including things like fibromyalgia, arthritis, osteoporosis, injuries, and more. There are also different options for managing and treating that pain, but the fact is that in most cases modern medicine will take a 'masking' approach that involves nothing more than trying to hide the pain through the use of pain relievers. Using natural options is a better idea since there are no side effects and since they focus on preventing pain from occurring. There are a few different natural steps that you should think about when you are trying to manage your chronic pain. With...

Carolina Monroe Written by: Carolina
Way To Be Healthy Updated at: 10:49 PM

Thursday, January 7, 2016

What You Need to Know about Your Joint Pain Supplement?

 The number of people who suffer from joint pain is rising, as well as the number of joint pain supplements in the market today. Finding the right cure might prove difficult as you are presented with way too many options. But, it is only through finding the right cure that you can enjoy relief from the debilitating joint pains. The Arthritis Foundation strongly recommends assessing and examining every joint supplement before making the decision to purchase something. In order to make an informed choice about your future supplements, here are some frequently asked questions that you should consider. FAQ in Choosing the Right Joint Supplement The first question you should address would be what the ingredients are and their purposes? Knowing...

Carolina Monroe Written by: Carolina
Way To Be Healthy Updated at: 12:36 AM

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Pain Relief Treatment - Some Essential Pain Relief Methods

There are no easy answers when it comes to finding the best pain relief treatment. As a matter of fact, some people spend year after year searching for the best supplements, and they always come up short. One problem is that people searching for the best pain relief treatment are easily swayed by advertisements and false medical writing. This is not their fault. The truth is that in the world of pain relief treatment, there are so many new ideas and so much new science being introduced every day, it really can be a little overwhelming and can create inadvertent illusions. We all want to find a pain relief treatment that makes sense for us, however, which means that we need supplements that stop our pain and which might even make a long term...

Carolina Monroe Written by: Carolina
Way To Be Healthy Updated at: 2:39 AM
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